The Princess's Diaries

Friday, June 24, 2005

My Trance

My heart aches and aches and aches and aches.

I don't really know how to express this in words. It's visceral, primordial, transcendent. It's when music just fills you and lifts you and you feel overwhelmed by it and it's part of you and you're part of it and you have to dance, you just have to, you can't not move, and the light shines into your eyes and you can't see anything else and it's pure worship.

I could dance forever. Even when i've been dancing for ages i still feel like i could dance all night long.

This has come up because for the last two nights i've been at different lancaster college Extravs where Nath (Messenger) has been DJing, and the music is just incredible. I don't know the proper names for the styles of music but i know that the best is trance. Ideally there are no lyrics just music, or where there are lyrics they are simple and repetitive. This is what you can get lost in. Several times i've been so overcome by it that i've opened my eyes to discover myself with my arms outstretched in surrender and i'm calling out in tongues to God.

I rarely feel like this in church. I know some people do so i guess its different things for different people. But church isn't the only place to worship. Unfortunately lancaster is seriously lacking in clubs for good music.

Listen to 'Talk' by Coldplay.

Coldplay make beautiful songs. They are a very rare example of combining amazing music with amazing lyrics. Their songs induce the sensations i described.

Ah, euphoria


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