The Princess's Diaries

Sunday, May 08, 2005

My Sunday

I love sundays and i love going to church! today has been good in other respects too. i got a donation towards my art work which is really gonna help me out, plus the mould for my lion's face came off the clay positive really nicely so i'll be able to cast it tomorrow. he's so bootiful. and i got some more support for my art work - Ife said it was a really good idea and i consider him a good source of support for my touch-sculptures! furthermore the whole worry over the coursework was pointless so that's all fine now, and my german exam is in the afternoon on tuesday rather than the morning so that's nice too (i think...means it's very hard to be late for it anyway...i do work better in the morning though...) to top it all off i have chocolate mousses in the fridge!

we have a girl coming to check out the house tomorrow. we're going to tidy up today. i guess i'm a bit weirded out by the prospect of sharing our house with someone new next year...we have a really nice atmosphere going at the mo with just the three of us. oh well, i spose the room can't just stand empty.


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