The Princess's Diaries

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Blame The Eyelashes!

I've been thinking about identity and clothing (seemingly the favourite topic for my year group in the art dept!) I love clubbing, but there's a such a big emphasis on girls lookin fit as. Now, i can do sexy, but do i really want to? Is it all that helpful? Probably why have i just borrowed Cat's black kilt for Saturday night at Tangled - check it out!! - possibly the shortest skirt i have ever worn in my life? Actually, it's because i've just discovered a new way of dressing up for a night out!

It started when i couldn't resist buying a pair of extravagantly feathery blue-and-purple false eyelashes in Liverpool yesterday! I decided i'd wear them to Tangled, and then realised i'd have to plan the rest of the outfit around them - what on earth goes with massive colourful eyelashes?? Furthermore, i had to find a make-up scheme to go with them. After using google image search for inspiration and playing around for several hours wth various cosmetics i've figured it out: i'm gonna draw funky patterns around my eyes with my amazing non-smudge liquid eyeliner and colour them in with purple, blue and silver colours. My fringe is now long enough to get in the way of said funky patterns so i'm going to try and put a big chunk of my hair up in a major quiff (just about managed it today with tons of mouse and hairspray!) Clothes have to be plain so as not to clash with my colourful face so i'm gonna wear either a blue or a black top, and the black kilt is exactly what i need to keep the funky theme. I'll preserve my modesty with some black or blue tights.

Back to the point: as you can imagine, this whole ensemble is not exactly going to make me irresitible to fellas! I haven't even considered how attractive i will or won't look - it's about what i like and what i think is funky. I'm glad i'm brave enough to wear stupid rock-solid hair and weird face painting out on the town! I feel really good about it! (Just hope the quiff stays up what with all the dancin)

The whole thing with the eyes has drawn to my attention how much i love drawing and painting on the body. I think body art is something i'd like to get more into - not so much tattooing and scarring and permanent, painful things like that, but more body painting. I don't think i'd want to do "trompe l'oeil"/illusionistic style painting (eg where they make nudes look like they're wearing clothes) but i love the more decoration-based designs; those that acknowledge the body and its forms rather than subvert them. It'd be great to start a trend for decorative face painting for nights out in lancaster!


Blogger Liz said...

Hey hun - please take a photo of the ensemble - it sounds so cool!

I found a brilliant website a while back regarding make-up, but can't remember what/where it was now. It was this girl that was very talented at it - she had really good quality photos of amazing creations.

YAY - just found it after 20mins of searching through Google images! and go to Fashion --> Make Up Tutorials :oD

November 03, 2005 7:09 PM  
Blogger Sipech said...


You'd get your front teeth knocked back if you tried anything like that round these parts.

IMHO simple is more beautiful that extravagant. *hears the pitch-forks being sharpened in the distance*

Also, what's with the "preserve modesty" using tights thing? I never got that. I think they may well keep you a little warmer but I've never seen them as more modest. Could you fancy-pants southerners please explain this one to a cloth-cap wearing northerner?

November 04, 2005 12:51 AM  
Blogger Harriet said...

*Pitchfork suitably pointy*

Never mind him - I think you'll look fabulous. It seems to me you can also be thankful that you live in a town progressive enough that people do not try to hit you because your appearance is unusual.

Re: black vs flesh coloured tights. Having had to spread my legs in front of my ex-boyfriend's mother and my current boyfriend's mother as a dancer for Cabaret, I can tell you that it is significantly more embarrassing in flesh colour, even if they are dance tights.

I'm presuming that you're not going to be dancing as I was as a Kit Kat girl, but the principle is still the same.

And yes...I do have fancy pants.

November 04, 2005 2:30 AM  
Blogger Alina said...

Wow - Liz - that girl's make up ideas are wicky! i gotta get me some of those paints from ebay, and the glitter! oh the sparkly sparkly glitter!

Just found out that the others have bailed out of going to Manchester so it's just me and Nath - the propa hardcore clubbers! I wish another girl was going coz it's scary to go to dodgy clubs' toilets on your own but i guess i'll survive!

My housie Luke is havin a party at ours from 5pm so i'm gonna have to be all ready by five - this means i'll be wearing my weird make up for hours and hours and i hope it doesn't all smudge away by the time i get to the club!

Si - the point isn't to be beautiful (i thought my post was clear about that!) but it is about being a little extravagant.

Modesty. Yes. I realised today that the kilt barely covers my butt. Searched for black shorts in town, but not finding any i resorted to a tactic i've used before - buy a cheap pair of tight jogging bottoms in a charity shop and hack them to the desired length! Now my modesty really is preserved. Hurrah!

November 04, 2005 3:15 PM  

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