The Princess's Diaries

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Big Move

The Big Move TM is an annual event in the art department. First years, having been assessed, move out and away until Autumn brings them back as second years. This leaves lovely empty spaces upstairs for second years, who move out of the mixed seond-and-third-year studios. Thus, the whole ground floor of the department is given over to the third years, who get allocated their final positions for the degree exhibition (that's the whole point of The Big Move afterall.)

The Big Move officially happens tomorrow, but we started early, and so half of my things are in my New Space! So exciting! It's all clean and fresh and it's nice to rearrange my workings for the last three weeks, it's invigorating! Of course The Big Move brings sadness and loss too. Lisa and I haven't been separated for two years, yet now we will be in different areas. Still within shouting distance, but we'll have to edit our conversations now :(. And Jen's right over at the other end...what are we to do? Furthermore, i have grown very fond of my second year Vicky (mine because she's been in my studio working next to me this year) and i won't get to see her anymore...

It's a taster of the sadness to come when we finish and leave for good in a few weeks. The art department is probably the closest-knit on campus, especially within year groups as you work together constantly for three years and put on an exhibition together. I've made some truly wonderful friends, and i don't care what older people say about "it's about time you got into the real world and stopped living in the university bubble!" I still don't want to finish yet.


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