The Princess's Diaries

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Self Questionnaire...Lazy Way to Blog...

Tonight's Dinner: Pasta with baked beans, cheese, bacon, sweetcorn and carrot. Odd but good! Could have done with a bit of tabasco sauce or something for more of a kick.

Academic Thinking: My art practice; I've gotta hand in three different artist's statements tomorrow - it's great cos it really makes you think about your practice and what you value in art. Namely immersion, physicality, the temporal, self-awareness and resonance. Oooo.

Jesus Thinking: He's the Way, the Truth and the Life. I was considering the testimony of when i first decided to follow Jesus. I already believed in Him and what He'd done, and i remember thinking: "If i choose this now, it's all or nothing. I know if i decide to follow him, that's it forever, and it's all of me." That was a big deal to me and the first time i was faced with that choice i declined it. Too hard. Later i realised that, knowing what i know about Jesus, i can't not choose Him. This week he has reminded me of the seriousness of following Him. It's still all or nothing, and because it can't be nothing, it's all.

Observation of the Day: See below! Also, Hobnobs are nigh-on irresistible. Furthermore, it is very funny when end-of-term-ness begins to show in normally flawless art professors!

Good Friends: Joe, whose tender heart and humorous ways always makes me smile. Anna, who i wish i had longer to get to know because our hearts beat such a similar rhythm.


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